Seminar Series

Select Fridays from 2-3 p.m. during the academic year, the department organizes a Friday seminar, for which it typically brings in outside speakers. All seminars are open to anyone who wants to attend. The seminars are an excellent opportunity to be inspired by what others are doing, learn about the state of the art and interact with influential researchers from across the world. Please check back for seminar updates as scheduling changes throughout the quarter.

The seminars are held in Donald Bren Hall 6011 and streamed live on Zoom.

Upcoming Seminars

Winter 2025 Seminar Calendar


Spring 2022 Seminars

April 8

A Call to Action!

Ron Baecker
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and Bell Chair in HCI, University of Toronto
April 15

Combating Flaky Tests

Darko Marinov
Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ISR Distinguished Speaker
April 29

Interrogating Maker Culture and STEAM Education

Nettrice Gaskins
Assistant Director, Lesley University’s STEAM Learning Lab
May 13

Media Ruins: Infrastructural Restitution and Building Futures in Post-Conflict Cambodia

Maggie Jack
Postdoctoral Scholar, Syracuse University/UC Irvine
June 3

The Metaverse’s New Diversity Industrial Complex

Lisa Nakamura
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor of American Culture, University of Michigan
CREATE Distinguished Talk

Winter 2022 Seminars

January 14

Black Aesthetics: Interventions in Digital Media

A.M. Darke
Assistant Professor of Performance, Play and Design, Digital Arts and New Media, and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Santa Cruz
January 28

Was that a Seizure? Diagnosis in Lived Experience and Medical Practice

Megh Marathe
President’s Postdoctoral Fellow of Informatics, UC Irvine & Incoming Assistant Professor of Media, Information, and Bioethics, Michigan State University
February 11

How the Arts Can Save Education: Transforming Teaching, Learning, and Instruction

Erica Halverson
Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison
February 18

Designing Opportunities for AI and UX in Healthcare

Jofish Kaye & Erika Poole
Senior Director, Interaction Design & Artificial Intelligence &
Director, User Research, Anthem Health Platforms
February 25

Why Isn't The Bug Apocalypse Coming Yet? *Seminar Cancelled*

Gail Kaiser
Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University
March 4

Angels of Efficiency. Big Data, Visual Information Systems, and Consulting Before the Computer

Florian Hoof
Research Associate, Institute of Advanced Study on Media Cultures of Computer Simulation, Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Fall 2021 Seminars

September 24

State of the Informatics Department

Melissa Mazmanian
Professor, Chancellor’s Fellow and Chair, Department of Informatics, UC Irvine
October 15

Are the Robots Coming for Your Job? Advancing the Next Wave of Studies of Technology and Work

Beth Bechky
Seymour Milstein Professor of Ethics and Corporate Governance and Strategy, New York University
October 22

Detecting Ballot Manipulations With a Transparent Voting Machine

Juan E. Gilbert
Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor and Chair, Computer and Information Science and Engineering Department, University of Florida
November 5

The Naturalness and Artifice of Code: Exploiting the Bimodality

Prem Devanbu
Professor, Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
November 12

The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope

Daniel Greene
Assistant Professor, Information Studies, University of Maryland
December 3, 2021 Seminar Cancelled

