3:00-5:00, Fridays (Talks from 3:00-4:00, Social Hour from 4:00-5:00)
ANDRÉ VAN DER HOEK Professor & Chair, Department of Informatics, UC Irvine
September 25 | DBH Rm. 6011
State of the Department
KAVITA PHILLIP Associate Professor, Department of History, UC Irvine
October 2 l DBH Rm. 6011
Postcolonial Technologies, Developmental Leapfrogging, Jugaad Economics
FRED TURNER Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Stanford University
October 9 l DBH Rm. 6011
The Politics of Interactivity in Cold War America
*Trends in Society and Information Technology Special Seminar Series
LEYSIA PALEN Professor, Department of Computer Science; Professor & Chair, Department of Information Science,
University of Colorado at Boulder
October 16 l DBH Rm. 6011
Frontiers in Crisis Informatics
KURT SQUIRE Romnes Professor of Digital Media, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Co-Director,
Games+Learning+Society Center, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery
October 23 l DBH Rm. 5011 11 a.m.
Games, Learning & Society: The Intellectual Life of Digital Play
*Co-Sponsored by the Institute for Virtual Environments and Computer Games
CONSTANCE STEINKUEHLER Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Co-Director, Games+Learning+Society Lab, Wisconsin Institute of Discovery
October 23 l DBH Rm. 6011
Transforming Public Participation in Science with Digital Games
*Co-Sponsored by the Institute for Virtual Environments and Computer Games
DEREK LOMAS Design Fellow, The Design Lab, UC San Diego
October 30 l DBH Rm. 6011
Accelerating Design Theory with Large-Online Experiments: Towards an Interaction Design Science
NICHOLE PINKARD Associate Professor, School of Design, DePaul University
November 6 l DBH Rm. 6011
An Ecological View of Equity: Reframing our Understanding of Youth Access to Connected Learning
Opportunities through Building the Chicago City of Learning Infrastructure
NORMAN SADEH-KONIECPOL Professor, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
November 13 l DBH Rm. 6011
Notice and Choice for IoT: Why We Need Personalized Privacy Assistants
REBECCA RANDELL Senior Translational Research Fellow, University of Leeds
November 20 l DBH Rm. 6011
Opening the Black Box: Using Realist Evaluation to Understand the Implementation & Use of Technology
HIROSHI ISHII Jerome B. Weisner Professor of Media Arts & Science, MIT Media Lab
December 4 l DBH Rm. 6011
TRANSFORM: Beyond Tangible Bits, Towards Racial Atoms
*Trends in Society and Information Technology Special Seminar Series
*Co-Sponsored by the Institute for Virtual Environments and Computer Games